Driver Survey


IST Logistics – Driver Survey

    Fuel efficient driving
    Accident-free mileage
    On-time delivery
    Learning new skills
    Minimizing cargo damage
    Driver recruitment

    Driving skills
    Defensive driving
    Fuel efficiency
    Completing paperwork
    Safety regulations
    Injury prevention
    Customer service
    Company policies
    Managing family issues

    Getting you home when promised
    Giving you enough time to complete your trips
    Making sure your equipment is safe
    Making sure your equipment is modern
    Providing adequate safety training
    Providing adequate training in new technologies
    Providing a competitive income
    Paying you on time
    Offering job security
    Rewarding strong performance
    Meeting with you regularly

    Asking your opinion
    Treating you with respect
    Following up on your concerns
    Being fair to all drivers
    Giving you credit for a job well done

    Satisfied with current job

    As a growing multi-faceted company with corporate offices located in Hammond, Indiana, we offer logistics services throughout the United States and Canada.